Monday, December 21, 2009

How can I get an hour glass figure?

I've notice this year that I ate more,gained weight, and squared off. I want to have an hour glass figure but I dont have a lot of resources. If there's any certain excercisesI have to do, please tell me how to do them or show me a clip. Also if there's any foods that can help, tell which foods.How can I get an hour glass figure?
don't do the corset thing, it damages your rib cag and can cause a lot of harm over a period of time of lengthy wearing

kickboxing, my sister takes it and she has a really nice hourglass figureHow can I get an hour glass figure?
i don't know of any exercises, but apparently wearing corsets gives people really good hourglass figures, like permanent ones, in just a few months! look it up.
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