Monday, December 21, 2009

Would you voluntarily enslave yourself to an authority figure?

With no test or challenge to THAT authority? You just simply drop to your knee and submit all that is you to that Authority Figure. Taking it one step further...Let us say now that you never met, seen or heard from this individual yet you still pledge your service to this person. Much like the Lottery Winners, you have no substancial proof that even suggests that that Authority Figure even is REAL...Would you still bow down to this Person?Would you voluntarily enslave yourself to an authority figure?
Ah, gotta love that ';slave mentality';!

A mind is a terrible thing to waste, so is a life.

I don't want to waste my life.

I want to live!

They can have their imaginary god.

I have neither need, nor use, for him...Would you voluntarily enslave yourself to an authority figure?
Lovely little comment, but perhaps you should have phrased your question more correctly, for you asked '; AN authority figure';, translating into ANY authority figure, whom would have authority over myself, and I responded that the ONLY authority figure to whom I would ';...bow down to this person Report Abuse

and furthermore, you also said ';Let us say now that you never met, seen or heard from this individual...'; As your question is incorrectly phrased, it would be safe to assume that you only consider speaking or hearing from God as not plausible, as it is all too often considered a characteristic for Report Abuse

those who have heard or spoken to God in the ';accepted'; sense, so in that tense, no I have never ';seen or heard or spoken to'; God. I do however have substantial proof he does exist, but your question leads me to believe you wouldn't care to know what that proof is, and that you would use your own Report Abuse

explanations to try to ';debunk'; my proof. So you see diel, I did answer your question. If you had wanted another answer, then perhaps you should write a far more precise, grammatically correct question Report Abuse

Yes. I refer to him/her as God.

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